Today, I go to the doctor today for my three month med check. I'm utterly and completely nervous, bordering on terrified. It's not the actual visit that has me worried. It is the fact that once I report that the Wellbutrin isn't working, it is what will be our next course of action.
Will he try a different add-on med to supplement my Zoloft? And if so, how much will it cost?
Will he up the dosage of the Wellbutrin? How much will that increase the price?
Maybe he'll up the dosage on my Zoloft and drop the Wellbutrin. Or maybe he'll up the dosage on my Zoloft and keep me on the Wellbutrin. Or maybe he'll increase the dosage of both.
What if he wants to scrap all the meds I'm on and start me on something completely new and different? Then there's a potential cost increase. Never mind the waiting period to see if this med is going to work or not.
And like I said, things aren't necessarily bad with how the meds were working before the addition of the Wellbutrin or even after it was added. Life was okay. I was doing okay. My depression and anxiety was somewhat okay.
But I didn't want to be just okay.
And I still don't want to be just okay.
Because really, I'm not.
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