I'm hopeful that this adjustment to my medication regime will give me the boost I need to really feel as though I'm getting better. I just need some oomph and motivation. It would also be nice to take the edge off the depression and the anxiety. Hell, it would be great if it all just went away and I could move on with my life. I know that is a pipe dream since there isn't a cure for depression. But I can hope and there's nothing wrong with hoping.
In other news, I had a massive panic attack just a little bit ago. It stemmed from an argument I had with my father. A lot of past issues were dredged up and the topic of my little sister became a partial focus. There were tears and some harsh words spoken. Towards the end of the call, I just didn't have it in my anymore. I couldn't argue and I couldn't fight. Since he needed to end the phone call anyway, I cut him off and said I'd talk to him later before ending the call. I feel a bit bad about how it ended but am glad that it did. There is a strong chance that he will call back later. I really don't want to talk to him anymore today and it is honestly for the best if we don't. I think we both need to calm down and get some breathing room before we chat again.
To me, the panic attack had nothing to do with the increase on the Wellbutrin. I did want to note it though.
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