Friday, January 17, 2014

Understanding what it means to be an introvert

I'm an introvert.  I never really thought about it because I can rock a crowd but it's all a show and I'm wearing a mask.  But I now realize that I am most definitely in introvert.  What about you?  Introvert or extrovert?

This link is 27 problems only introverts would understand shows some of the introvert issues.  The following are especially true for me:

1. When you need to take breaks and recharge after socializing for too long.
7. Having visitors stay with you is a nightmare, because it means you have to be on at ALL TIMES.
8. When people stop inviting you places because you keep canceling plans.
9. Too many social obligations + no alone time = a total grump.
15. That feeling of dread that washes over you when the phone rings and you’re not mentally prepared to chat.
17. When you have an awesome night out, but have to deal with feeling exhausted for days after the fact.
18. When people pressure you to be more social, whether you like it or not.
19. When you’re really excited to go out, but those good feelings don’t last long enough.
20. When you’re trying to get something done at work, but you can’t, because everyone else is talking.
24. When someone interrupts your thoughts, and you get irrationally angry.
26. And when you need to be completely alone so you can recharge and get back to being awesome.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Remember this on days like today

Darling Shanda, 

You awe me with your strength. 

What you’ve endured - and how you do it with such finesse - is worthy of a huge round of applause. (Can you hear us clapping?) 

Your determination, your resilience, your courage - I mean, seriously, darling - WOW. 

So please, honey, don’t be so hard on yourself. 

What you’ve accomplished in this life so far is enough. YOU are enough, just in case you ever forget. 

Wildly cheering from the audience, 
Your Inner Pilot Light

Saturday, January 4, 2014

You made it through

Dear Phenomenal Girl,

This was a year that you made huge strides that you won't even recognize for awhile. You touched people's lives that you don't even know about. You were protected from situations that you never saw coming, and so you don't even know how big that protection was. You overcame things that you weren't expecting and you made it through days that sometimes you weren't sure you could make it through. You woke up almost every day and decided to make the most of that day....and you did. You saw beautiful things, met beautiful people, and shared your beauty too.

This might be a chapter that you are thankful is over, and it might be one that made you laugh and that you will fondly remember. This year might be right in the middle of a chapter and the story of it has not played out yet.....your story goes on from here!

This year you grew. This year you learned. This year you had 12 whole months of brand new experiences that are a part of YOUR story. This year your story was rich with ups and downs and tragedy and triumph.

This year you made it through.

Sounds like a pretty fantastic year to me.

You are so and forever.

Courtesy of Brave Girls' Club