Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brain scan

I'm not a nurse or a doctor or even remotely trained in much anything medically related but when I see this, it is more than clear that there is a difference. 

This is not my brain but it is (supposedly) from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research and they know their stuff.  The brain scan on the left is of someone who is depressed and/or suffering from depression while the one on the right is of someone not suffering from depression.  It is scary crazy just how different they look. 

But it is an accurate depiction of just how different those people may act and feel. 

The non-depressed person's brain is bright and colorful.  From the scan, it makes me think that the brain and person are lively and experiencing life full-on.  It looks happy.  The other scan looks like a shadow of the non-depressed scan.  There are a few bright parts but overall, it is dark and gloomy.  I seems sad and like it is dying. 

Seeing the differences in the scans helps me remember that I have a mental disorder/illness or a brain disorder.  It is something that is factual and is caused by a chemical imbalance in my brain.  My life could be utterly perfect looking from an outside perspective, but I will still be dealing with my depression.  This is not something I can prevent but I can minimize.  I will more than likely always have depression but it is something I can control by following certain steps. 

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