Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sometimes the universe knows what you need

The past few blog entries have been about me obsessing over when and if the Wellbutrin will work for me and, more specifically, about my fear of what it means for me and my mental health recovery IF it doesn't work and we have to take other steps.

So when my "Daily Truth" from the Brave Girls Club arrived in my inbox just a few minutes ago, I had to smile.

Dear Loved Girl,

Sometimes things are so much more simple than we make them out to be in our wild imaginations. We often think too much, analyze too much, let our minds wander too much...and then we end up concocting a wild story that we begin to see as real....then we suffer over all of the facts in that story (the facts that we made up)...we grieve, we stress, we feel wounded.

There can be a million reasons why you didn't get the phone call you were waiting for, why he didn't act very friendly when you ran into him, why she is being particularly distant, why things didn't work out the way you thought was the best. We think about how hard something is going to be, or if we might fail. We think about whether he or she thinks we are good enough or smart enough or fun enough.

Think a little bit about what you have control over. If you are worried about something...is there something that you can do to fix it or change it? If there is...sweet! Do it and stop worrying. If there isn't....darn, realize that there's nothing you can do about it anyway so it's time to stop worrying.

No reason to worry, or fret, or stress or make things bigger than they are. Live your beautiful life. Look all around you and be grateful for every little thing. Focus on the things that you have influence over...love them, cherish them, enjoy them. Let life be simple...let life surprise you a little bit...don't think too hard. Do your best and let everything else go.

Why? Because that is the path to peace....and it will make you happy.

You are so loved.

It's true and I know it.  There is nothing I can do about the Wellbutrin except to take it and wait.  I need to just accept that and move on.  Sometimes you just need another reminder. 

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