Friday, April 19, 2013

Disappointing people

Dearest Shanda,

I know how you worry about disappointing people. You have a kind heart, so of course you don't want to hurt anyone. Your compassion and empathy are precious gifts that keep your heart sensitive and open to the suffering of others.

But the way you worry about disappointing people will also be your undoing if you don't stop trying to please everybody.

Darling, don't you understand your only job in life is to please me, to be true to the essence of who you are, to live your life in alignment with my truth?

Don't you realize that sometimes, disappointing people is an act of radical self care?

It's not selfish. It's not narcissistic. It's strong but necessary medicine.

Never, ever disappoint yourself, my sweet.

Here with a heaping helping of the medicine you need,

Your Inner Pilot Light

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