Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nine things that are really eight

The Huffington Post shared "9 Things Only People With Depression Can Truly Understand" and I found it to be a wonderful and accurate article.  Below are the 9 things, which only list 8 so that totally messes with my OCD-ness.

  1. The frustration that comes when someone suggests you can "snap out of it."
  2. People constantly confusing depression with sadness.
  3. There is no such thing as a little victory.
  4. Lack of energy means more than your run-of-the-mill afternoon slump.
  5. There are physical symptoms -- and they're just as taxing as the emotional ones.
  6. Things that used to be fun aren't quite as enjoyable.
  7. The difficulty that comes with communicating your emotions.
  8. The disorder is not one-size-fits-all.
Depression is misunderstood and as someone who deals with it on a daily basis, I find myself trying to explain what depression is and what it is not all too often.  Hopefully soon, it will be better understood by the masses.

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