Thursday, March 27, 2014

The truth of who you really are

The Brave Girls Club has this uncanny knack of knowing just what I need to hear in regards to my most current struggle.  Here's another perfect example.
Dear Gorgeous Girl,

You might sometimes forget the truth of who you really are. You might step back into the muck that has pulled you in and feel that old feeling of yucky inadequacy that has kept you stuck so many times. Remember that those icky feelings do not come from a place of truth.

When you are tired, weary, feeling weak and on shaky ground....that's the most important time to remember your magnificence. You must do your best to stay in the truth...the truth that you were created for a wonderful purpose, that there is a plan for you, that you are a miraculous & beautiful creation...a masterpiece.....that you are not just a number...that after you were made, the mold was broken and there is NOT A SINGLE SOUL on the face of the earth who is just like you.

You are SO important. You are SO LOVED. You are seen. You have not been forgotten. You are doing a wonderful job.

You are phenomenal. Don't forget it.


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